Healing Through Somatic Release

In recent years, books like Bessel van der Kolk's *The Body Keeps the Score* have brought attention to the way the body stores and processes traumas and emotions which if unexpressed lead to disease and illness. Hence the importance of learning somatic release and the body's innate ability to heal from suppressed emotions and traumas. Despite its simplicity, this process often requires guidance and learning. Matthew provides this guidance by taking each client on a unique therapeutic journey, helping them to establish trust in their body's natural healing mechanisms.

Spiritual Healing Arts


Unlock profound healing by combining proven therapies which use the innate healing systems of the body to release trauma.

Sound Healing

Experience the power of live music which promotes emotional expression, well-being and safe travels.

Lo Ban Pai

Aid in the release of physical and emotional blockages by targeting the meridians, pressure points, and Chi.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Somatic Coaching Session like?

Experiecing of Somatic Waves, The Beginning

A session begins with wearing an eye-bag to focus inward. We start with a "body scan" to identify areas of agitation in the body, then explore the emotions stored in those areas. The client observes, accept these sensations and expresses them. Eventually clients understand their own somatic healing process and begin to experience somatic waves - or releases of stored emotional energy also known as allostatic load.

As the groove to each individual clients healing path becomes more definite they uncover core beliefs and rewrite habitual thought patterns, which results in a less reactive and more responsive grace in our life.

Benefits of Somatic Therapy

Clients often feel lighter, more present, and relieved from feelings of separation, loneliness, and depression after sessions. Many also experience relief from chronic physical pain or overcome dependency and develop secure attachment.

Matthew's Personal Experience

In Matthew's personal healing journey, he experienced profound transformation through this work, liberating himself from the effects of sexual abuse, religious conditioning, relational wounds, and physical trauma. This journey has fundamentally altered his life, leading him to a deeper sense of connection, peace, and alignment with his heart and soul's true path.

How does Sound Healing work?

Music, the Magic Carpet

Music has a way taking us beyond the superficial and into the present moment.  When combined with psychedelics and somatic therapy, music becomes like a magic carpet upon which we soar into new deminsions of healing. 

Combined with Somatic Therapy

During Somatic Therapy music may become a mirror to your emotional and mental states. It helps greatly with projections and with its resounding frequencies sometimes the strike of a chime is enough to break the isolation of a cold wave. And then later, in the moments of rapture when our body warms up after its been dead and frozen, music is then like a rising sun filling our souls with rays of light.

What is Lo Ban Pai?

Meet Lo Ban Pai Spiritual Healing Art

Taught by Master Lujan Matus, this method operates in harmony with the energy grids that support and strengthen the biofield. Using coiling spinning motions, Lo Ban Pai targets the connective tissues and ligaments, lifting the fascia and promoting the smooth flow of harmonious life force throughout the entire meridian system.

Meridan, Pressure Points and Chi

Rooted in ancient Oriental traditions, this technique takes a holistic approach, targeting the meridian system, acupuncture points, connective tissue, and fascia. By promoting the free flow of blood and chi, it stimulates the endocrine and lymphatic systems, facilitating the release of both physical and emotional blockages.

Entheogens and Entheogenic Churches


Entheogens are a newly coined term used to describe psychoactive substances utilized in culturally approved visionary practices within ritual, shamanistic or religious settings. In Classical antiquity, Dionysus was predominantly associated with overseeing such experiences.

Federal Law - Entheogenic Churches and RFRA

The Religious Freedom and Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) is the corner stone of free exercise of religion at both the federal and state level.  The RFRA provides the primary legal protection for entheogenic churches and retreats.  Laws and protections may vary slightly by state.

Lake, George. The Law of Entheogenic Churches in the United States, Las Vegas, 2021.

UTAH - SB150 The Exercise of Religious Amendments

In 2024 adding to the federal religious protection act, Utah passed the SB150 which provides legal protection related to the free exercise of religion.  

State of Utah. SB150 Exercise of Religous Amenments, Utah, 2024

"Matthew's approach to therapy helped me become my own authority. he's supportive and listens to me while uniquely blending music and energy healing into somatic Experiencing. I can't recommend his transformative sessions enough."

-Margaret M.

Contact us

Ready to start your healing journey? Contact us today.


Matthew B Snyder

Salt Lake County, Utah

About us

Matthew B Snyder is a holistic health practitioner based in Salt Lake County Utah, specializing in somatic coaching, sound healing, and spiritual healing arts. Matthew is a seasoned facilitator with a passion for integrating traditional and innovative therapeutic methods. His practice is dedicated to providing a safe, supportive, and transformative environment for all clients, helping them to navigate their healing journey with confidence.