Sound Healing

taps into the potent influence of live music to support your emotional and psychological well-being during therapy. This evidence-based approach utilizes music to facilitate emotional expression, relaxation, and healing, providing a deeply immersive therapeutic experience. Matthew incorporates a diverse array of instruments, vocals, and ceremonial songs creating a safe and nurturing environment for clients to fully engage in their healing journey.

Free Group Sound Healing - Zoom

Join Matthew for a free sound healing session. These are group sessions and may be done in the privacy of your home with headphones, laying down, and with an eye-bag as needed.  Please make sure you are completely comfortable and won't have any disruptions. Sessions start with a meditation followed by the sound healing. Afterwords as time permits everyone can share if they desire.

Guided MeditationS and Collaboration

Margaret Miller and Matthew collaborated and made some Guided Meditations.  Enjoy these free meditations in a relaxing spot with headphones and a blindfold as desired.

Meeting My Molecules - by Margaret Miller music and effects by Matthew Snyder

Castle Meditation - by Margaret Miller music and effects by Matthew Snyder

Music During Altered-States of Consciousness

During therapy, music takes on multifaceted roles:

  • It evokes anthropomorphic, transportive, synesthetic, and material sensations, transforming the therapeutic environment.
  • Music becomes a vital component of emotional experiences, imagery exploration, and self-discovery.
  • It conveys love, transports listeners to alternate realities, inspires, and facilitates embodied transformation.
  • Music serves as both an anchor and a catalyst, guiding clients through their therapeutic journey.
  • Openness to music is linked with positive long-term outcomes, reinforcing its significance in the healing process.

O’Callaghan, Clare, et al. "Experience of music used with psychedelic therapy: A rapid review and implications." Journal of music therapy 57.3 (2020): 282-314.

“Matthew's approach to therapy has been life-changing for me. His unique combination of music therapy and energy healing, alongside somatics, has helped me find peace and understanding within myself that I never knew was possible.”

Jordan M.