About Matthew B. Snyder

Introducing Matthew Snyder, a holistic health practitioner using somatic coaching, sound healing, and spiritual healing arts. Matthew embodies a pioneering spirit in therapeutic approaches, seamlessly integrating research, therapy, and safety.

Since 2019, Matthew has dedicated himself to empowering others by facilitating transformative healing sessions. Through these profound encounters, clients have courageously revisited pivotal life moments, guided by Matthew's expertise and compassion.

Matthew takes immense pride in witnessing his clients achieve profound breakthroughs, cultivating secure self-attachment, reclaiming personal agency, and liberating themselves from entrenched patterns of adversity.

Somatic Coaching

Matthew was trained in Psychedelic Somatic Interactive Psychotherapy (PSIP) by Saj Razvi in 2021 after having practiced the therapy for many years.

He later trained in Ketamine Therapy by Stephanie Coleman, MD and her team in Park City.  Matthew uses his training and personal experience to teach his clients how to safely approach their inner demons and neutralize their harmful effects by fully witnessing those demons and then integrating them.

Safety and harm reduction

Rolling Buddy LLC

In 2023, Matthew combined forces with Shane Stott to create a supplement designed to reduce the harmful effects of MDMA and other amphetamines. Drawing upon rigorous scientific findings, they developed a drink called Rolling Buddy.

As psychedelics continue to be decriminalized and used for healing Matthew continues to advocate for safety. Further, he believes that psychedelics alone aren't always enough for healing to occur.  Healing takes place when the setting for healing to happen has been created and followed through.

Integrated Research Literacy Group

Matthew collaborates with the Integrated Research Literacy Group and joined forces with Miriam Kaiyo and Anya Ragnhildstveit to co-author the first ever case study on the concurrent utilization of cannabis and psychotherapy which was published in Frontiers Psychiatry in 2023.

Matthew is currently on another project with Miriam and IRLG.  After interviewing underground facilitators, Miram and her team are performing qualitative and quantitative analysis on the interviews. Key themes such as how facilitators maintain integrity, safety and help their clients make improvements in their lives will be reported.

Sound Healing

Matthew sings traditional Lakota prayer songs, Sanskrit mantras and plays his blissful raptures created through spontaneous verse. Far beyond a mere harmonic pitch, music serves as a potent tool for stress reduction, relaxation promotion, consciousness expansion, and fostering a profound connection to nature and the universe. Backed by a rich historical legacy and robust scientific evidence, live music offers a gateway to holistic well-being.

Traditional Spiritual Healing Arts

Margaret Miller - Reiki Master

Matthew was taught Reiki for over a decade by Margaret Miller, a talented energy healer, earth-based practitioner and intuitive astrologer. Matthew also did four years of vision quest under her guidance as well as other earth based ceremonies.

Lujan Matus - Lo Ban Pai Practitioner

Since 2022, Matthew has been honored and blessed to study with Lujan Matus a master intuitive empath, author, and a heart centered individual.  Lujan taught Matthew Lo Ban Pai.

Oklevueha Native American church

Matthew is a member of the Oklevueha Native American Church and authorized to participate in ONAC ceremonies.


Contact Us

If you're ready to start your healing journey, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you every step of the way.

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