Free Zoom Sound Healing

2024 Dates:

  • August 14th @ 5:55 PM MDT
  • September 11th
  • October 9th
  • November 13th
  • December 11th


  • be in privacy of your home
  • have head-phones
  • lay down or sit comfortably
  • use an eye-bag (recommended)
  • if so moved, dancing is appropriate
  • be safe and aware of your surroundings


Make sure you are completely comfortable and won't have any disruptions. Sessions start with a meditation followed by sound healing. Afterwords and as time permits everyone can share as desired.

Types of Songs:

  • Lakota Prayer Songs
  • Mantras
  • Improvisations
  • Traditional Medicines Songs


Other Offerings:

  • Poetry Readings
    • Song of Ashtavakra (500 BCE)
  • Distance Reiki (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen)
    • Through Voice
    • Through the instruments
    • Through the internet
    • Through the audio connections

Types of Instruments:

  • Gongs
  • Hand-pan
  • Crystal Bowls
  • Harmonium
  • Chimes
  • Gourd Rattle
  • Egyptian Sistrum
  • Jew's Harp
  • Drums
  • Gnawa Iron Castanets

  • Steel Drum
  • Native American Flutes
  • Ocarina