Psychedelic-Assited Somatic release

Matthew offers a somatic-based coaching aimed at healing trauma deeply rooted in the nervous system. His approach taps into the body's natural healing ability, allowing processing through the autonomic nervous system (ANS). While legal psychoactive medicines like ketamine and cannabis may be incorporated, they're not mandatory.

Matthew was trained in a method, known as Psychedelic Somatic Interactive Psychotherapy, which blends somatic-based therapy with guidance from experienced clinicians rooted in psychodynamic and attachment theory. PSIP targets fight/flight/fawn responses, freeze, and dissociative patterns, facilitating complete processing of body-stored trauma.

During a somatic release session, the goal is to activate the ANS to process and release stored energy, increase insight into your own response patterns, and establish new pathways to sustainable calmness and presence in life. Sessions typically last around 2-7 hours, and the number needed varies based on individual trauma history and readiness for release.

How to prepare for Somatic Release sessions

Preparation Guidelines

To maximize the benefits of your session, please come prepared:

  • Empty Bladder: Ensure you are comfortable and relaxed.
  • Empty Stomach: Light fasting enhances the energy flow.
  • Empty Heart: Approach the session with an open and receptive heart.
  • Empty Mind: Clear your mind to fully immerse in the experience.
  • Empty Crown: Allow your spirit to be free and open.


  • Wear comfortable, natural fiber clothing, such as a long t-shirt and sweatpants.
  • Bring a comfortable eye mask to facilitate deeper introspection.


We look forward to guiding you through these transformative experiences!